Media Planning
The success of a campaign depends on good media planning
The media plan determines the choice of media, planning and use of the budget. This is all based on the media strategy. The success of a campaign depends on good media planning. In order to effectively achieve your objectives, an analysis of all media types in relation to your commercial target groups is of great importance. Reach figures, effectiveness of the media, frequency of use and timing are very important principles. Do you want more information? Please contact us!

What can you expect from us?
The following components play a role in the implementation of your media plan:

Reach = number of people with an expression/medium type is confronted. The media plan is all about ensuring high reach within the relevant target group. Effective communication must be as targeted as possible!

Frequency of contact
This refers to the number of times a person is confronted with an expression. Contact frequency is especially important when introducing a new product or increasing brand awareness.

Media expenses
The cost required to reach a certain number of people within the target audience. The media cost: the total investment necessary to build good reach and contact frequency within the target audience.

The umfeld stands for context; the environment of the expression. This is different for each medium type. In TV, for example, it may be the editorial environment of a TV station, the genre or title of the surrounding programming.

A choice has to be made which mix will lead to the best results within the set budget. Our large network and partnerships allow us to buy media very efficiently. This means we can create more engagement at a lower cost!

A schedule summarizing what happens at what date/time. This often includes so called 'bursts' (time periods of intensive communication for additional awareness). It is important to think about the schedule early on.